Chief Minister's Plan Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced that the state government will hire 100,000 young people into the police force over the next two years. This plan was shared during a Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha meeting and membership workshop.
Fair and Transparent Process Adityanath assured that the recruitment process will be fair and transparent, with no discrimination against any youth in the state.
Achievements and Efforts
Past Job Creation Adityanath mentioned that the government has provided jobs to over 650,000 young people in the last seven and a half years.
Recent Exam He highlighted that they recently completed the largest police recruitment exam in the state's history, which will give over 60,200 young people the chance to join the police force.
Political Integrity
Importance of Values Adityanath stressed that politics should be about upholding values and serving the state and nation, not about personal gain.
Criticism of Opposition He criticized opposition parties, saying they are inconsistent and use values they previously mocked to gain votes. He accused parties like the Samajwadi Party and Congress of supporting divisive elements.
Event Details
Meeting and Workshop The Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha's meeting and workshop started with Swasti Vachan and included several prominent leaders.
Visit to Varanasi On Sunday afternoon, Adityanath visited Varanasi and paid his respects at the Baba Kaal Bhairav and Shri Kashi Vishwanath temples